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Why select Carolina Shores Vacation Rentals as your property manager?

Selecting the right Property Management Company can be a difficult decision to make.

Lots of questions cross your mind:

  • Will my home get rented?
  • Will my property be protected?
  • Will I find my home clean?
  • Will the rental staff be cordial so my guests will keep coming back?
  • Will I get a return on my investment? 

At Carolina Shores Vacation Rentals the answer is a resounding YES!

All properties are inspected regularly and security inspections are done at no charge. All homes are posted on our state of the art website, and others for added exposure. Our toll free number and friendly staff will have your guests counting the days until they get to your home.

With the use of the most modern property management software (Escapia) our reservation agents immediately become familiar with every facet of your property and each employee is required to visit and recap their viewing of your home. Knowledge is certainly power and our team knows what you expect and knows your property.

Fees, fees go away!

At Carolina Shores we generate our homeowners a remarkable return on their investment. Our flat fee commission program and no added costs program remarkably increases your bottom line!

Hear what our owners have to say!

  • It’s exciting that the Fall bookings have turned out to be so strong! This will be the highest gross income during 15 years of ownership!  E. Kramer- KDH Owner
  • You are so WONDERUL to send us updates!!  I feel like someone, other than our family, really cares about our cottage.  S. Loving- Duck Owner
  • You and your company has done a really great job assisting me put my best foot forward.  I appreciate you and Carolina Shores so much.  Best decision ever to move to your company! T. Statham- Corolla Owner
  • Carolina Shores is the premiere OBX property management company!  No one is better! J. Haines- KDH Owner

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Property Management